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This guide illustrates the steps required to install KOBE in your system.


  • Kubernetes >= 1.8.0
  • nfs-commons installed in the nodes of the cluster. If in Debian or Ubuntu you can install it using apt-get install nfs-common

Download KOBE

To download KOBE in your system, just do the following:

git clone
cd kobe

Installation of the Deployment subsystem

KOBE needs the Kubernetes operator to be installed in the Kubernetes cluster. To quickly install the KOBE operator in a Kubernetes cluster.

You can use the kobectl found in the bin directory:

export PATH=`pwd`/bin:$PATH
kobectl install operator .

Alternatively, you could run the following commands:

kubectl apply -f operator/deploy/crds
kubectl apply -f operator/deploy/service_account.yaml
kubectl apply -f operator/deploy/clusterrole.yaml
kubectl apply -f operator/deploy/clusterrole_binding.yaml
kubectl apply -f operator/deploy/role.yaml
kubectl apply -f operator/deploy/operator.yaml

You will get a confirmation message that each resource has successfully been created. This will set the operator running in your Kubernetes cluster and needs to be done only once.

Installation of the Networking subsystem

KOBE uses istio to support network delays between the different deployments. To install istio you can run the following:

kobectl install istio .

Alternatively, you can consult the official installation guide or you can type the following commands.

curl -L | sh -
export PATH=`pwd`/istio-1.6.0/bin:$PATH
istioctl manifest apply --set profile=default

Installation of the Logging subsystem

To enable the evaluation metrics extraction subsystem, run

kobectl install efk .

or alternatively the following

helm repo add elastic
helm repo add kiwigrid
helm install elastic/elasticsearch --name elasticsearch --set persistence.enabled=false --set replicas=1 --version 7.6.2
helm install elastic/kibana --name kibana --set service.type=NodePort --version 7.6.2
helm install --name fluentd -f operator/deploy/efk-config/fluentd-values.yaml kiwigrid/fluentd-elasticsearch --version 8.0.1
kubectl apply -f operator/deploy/efk-config/kobe-kibana-configuration.yaml

These result in the simplest setup of an one-node Elasticsearch that does not persist data across pod recreation, a Fluentd DaemonSet and a Kibana node that exposes a NodePort.

The setup can be customized by changing the configuration parameters of each helm chart. Please check the corresponding documentation of each chart for more info.